Demo & Cases

The Galvatest controller

As this is an electrical phenomenon, the wired sensor is necessary to perform the measurement. LED color indicates status.

The Galvatest sensors and kits

Measurement reading specifies status.

Interpretation of results

interpretation of results
Measured value in mV must be in the green zone...

Searching for electrical leaks

Corrosive electrical leaks make corrosion potential measurements go upwards or downwards, according to polarity. Successive switching of onboard electrical means and equipments thus allows instant detection of possible corresponding failures. Similarly, these measurements must not vary while shore power is plugged or unplugged.  

Anodes weight calculator

Galvatest anodes weight

Find out how much anode's weight needs your boat...

Stray currents calculator

Galvatest stray currents

Find out intensity of stray current according to simple visual observations...


Too late!

corroded sail-drive

Cathodic protection control of metal or wood/GRP hulls propulsion systems is to your boat what anti-theft alarm is to your house. Regularly performed, it warns you before electrolysis damages become too important, and so, costly. So, don't wait to discover a sinister, during annual scrub-off for example, to deal with it: corrosion dammages are never covered by insurance companies. If this sail-drive is replaced without control, problems might occur indefinitely...

 Case #1

  • GRP Hull 42' - Aluminium sail-drive.
  • Fast destruction of sail-drive due to piercing pitting.
  • Potential measured within under-protection range.
  • Involves a screw from electric panel, getting through 2 cables, causing a leak to the sea. Should measurement have been made just after work, leak would have been identified at once...

 Case #2

  • Aluminium hull 32' - Antifouling paint.
  • Blistering and disbonding of underwater paint system after complete renovation, including sandblasting.
  • Potential measured well inside over-protection range.
  • Wrong anodes material suspected. These turned out to be magnesium, strictly prohibited in sea water...

 Case #3

  • GRP 38' - Rudder stock.
  • Pronounced localized corrosion on rudder stock.
  • Potential measured as nominal in all configurations.
  • Corrosion being stabilized, implementation of preventive solutions...